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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: IzaHazira

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Gratisan Musik

I'm a teenager, deal with it

Parents , can you please let me enjoy my teens years . you guys were teens once , so why can i enjoy it :o
Please stop controlling my life , stop nagging will ya ergghh . Jeles tengok diorang lain lepak2 ngan kwn drg smpi tgh malam . akuuu ? naik bas pun x kena bagii . mesti kena hantar -,-
org ckp siok la aku kena hantar ambik oleh parents , tpi kalau parents busyy ? siapa mau hantarr . akhirnya xdpt jalan ,  lepastu asal mau jalan , mesti tnya drg dulu , byk la soalan drg tu , 'p mana, bikin apa, sama siapa blablabla' -,- watafakkk mann
I need FREEDOM . wahhhhh boleh gila kalau terkongkong , jangan smpi memberontak, lagi bhayaaa kieee

Aku remaja baa, masih lagi belajarr , shits happen . Teenagers sometimes  lie, cheat , and fight over stupid things ! fall in love and end up getting hurt ~ hate people for no reason .

We should enjoy our lives , have a kick ass time and make memories . supaya x menyesal time tuaa, ada juga bikin kenangann eseehhhh xD
itupun kalau sempat tua la , manatau mati time lepak2. wakakkaka

xpaaa, ada jugaa masa untuk aku berjoli tuh nnti wakakakaka . im outhaa hereeeeee grrrrr