//super awesome!
awesome self !

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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: IzaHazira

lets hear it ;)!

Gratisan Musik

PLKN Kump 1 Siri 11 Kem Wawasan , Kg Ovai Papar Sabah

 Datang dengan paksaan, Pulang dengan tangisan

*cation!broken english may cause death LOL

i miss my friends in PLKN. it was great meeting them and i have beautiful memories w them .
 i learned alot while in this camp.

at first i was sad being chosen for this camp. i can't accept the fact i was chosen cos im not an active person and i was the only girl from my school in this siries. *i was so afriad being alone n no friends lol

first few weeks in camp is like hell . i have to wake early , go to class (not interested) and kawad.
i want to leave this place and go home. there be like 6 rollcall a day , every day !
*Dewan duduk sedia !

but luckly kem wawasan is not strict as other camp, we get to wear our own clothes after 5pm
here u can see them bgaya gaya puiii hahahaha

i tried to accept the fact that im in this camp and just follow with the flow enjoy the moment. and that makes me become a playfull and talkative in camp (but not the popular ones)
i didn't afraid to talk with someone i dont know and i make friends with anyone i met
my close friend say i xtahu malu hahahahaha

in this camp i met alot of new friends with different races and religions . 
im lucky cos i learn about their culture language. 

Company Delta are the best yaw ! hahhaha especially dorm7 , they're awesome ! i love them 
friendly , playfull and too much childish in their self xD
such a beautifull memories and i will remember them always xD

Olive's birthday party ->

<- bebeh2 delta
<- me n aten 

baby wana me ;) ->

<- aini and our ketua "siput" hahaha

<- hangout w plkn friends at cp

with satria at kbox cp xD ->

<- Jai n Doyok p selfie d my hp LOL

<- time tunggu dobi xD

<- kump satria . PK4 <3

rest di luar sbb dlm dorm panas xD ->

 <- aten, akmal n me. i look so ayu LOL xD

Last day at kem . we all cried of happiness cos just finish our National Service :)

Wirawati Delta

Spm's result

Yesterday was the day that I've been waiting for after years of studying at SMK Badin Tuaran .
Finally , I get to know my result for SPM .
To be honest , I never really focus while studying either at school or home . 
I'm the one that only studying night before exams. (kerja last minute)
I must admit it I was a little disappointed with my result yesterday because didn't get my best target but then I realize that this is not a barrier for me to success in my life .
I don't know why I didn't really nervous yesterday , I'm just excited to meet my friends 
(i know they miss me when all of them run and hug me tightly as I walk towards them)
Baba balik2 call me ask my result , but I told him it wasn't out yet . I think he's the one who nervous haha

As soon as the teachers tell us to take the result then suddenly I felt a little excited+nervous because Im the first person to take it omaigad omaigad
when cikgu Zai call my name then i was like " this is it iza, terima ja la apa2 aku dpt" 

after that, my friends pun excited tgok my result terus lompat2 ramai2 ahh hahaha 
Then, I call baba and told him my result . luckly he didn't marah my result haha

Lepas tu kami stay2 kat medan ramai2 . Last dah stay pakai baju sekolah kan anduu bahh.

And the results is...

It's okay It's alright , come on IZA fight fight fight ^_^
Better than nothing
Bersyukur dengan apa yg ada :D


Sukar untuk aku menumpukan perhatian ketika berada dalam kelas malam tadi . Walaupun bilangan pelajar tidak mencecah seratus namun suasana sungguh bingit dengan pekikan para pengajar. Mereka masing-masing ingin bersuara dengan para pelajar. Aku hanya mampu berdiam diri kerana otakku tidak mampu untuk berkerja dalam suasana sedemikian. Lebih-lebih lagi tepat dihadapanku terdapat wajah seseorang yang pernah bertakhta dihatiku. Aku sukar untuk melalukan sebarang kerja yang diarahkan akibat sering terpandang wajahnya. Senyumannya sungguh memikat dan dapat mencairkan hati para gadis . Sesiapa sahaja yang melihat senyumnya pasti akan hanyut di laut hati yang bergelora. Dulu aku lemah ketika dia sering melontarkan senyuman manisnya kepada ku. Aku seperti berada di awang-awangan . Kendatipun aku telah melupakannya dan telah mendapat penggantinya. Sekarang aku telah bernikah dengan Spm dan akan melangsungkan persandingan pada 6nov ini. Dalam kebingitan malam , aku menatap senyumnya dan terfikir , adakah aku akan kembali terpikat kepadanya? Hampir saja aku mengiyakan persoalanku itu. Namun hatiku menolak . Harapan hati ku robek setelah melihat cincin di jari manisnya. Baru aku sedari bahawa dia sudah berpunya. Tidak guna untuk aku meneruskan harapan yg tidak mungkin kesampaian ini. Hati kecilku berkata, mungkin dia sudah berkahwin? Hmm Seperti mana kaburnya wajah dalam gambar itu,sedemikian jugalah kaburnya dia dihatiku. Akanku berusaha melupakannya. Dia akan hilang dari dalam hatiku dan tinggal sebagai kenangan manis ku di zaman persekolahan.

Memories with classmate 2009-2013 :)

2013 will be our last year being school's student . 
I have to admit it that my school years are the most awesome years in my life . There's so much to remember and wish i will never forget . Some people said that they hate they classmate , but mine are AWESOME ! I am glad to be their classmate . We have been classmate since form 1 until form 5 . even some of them are classmate since primary school and some kindergarten 

I still remember the first time I step in to the class as a new student . At first I was so nervous and scared to meet new people . I'm scared of being bullied by them , but then they are so kind and give me a warm welcome . I was so relieved . They treat me like we have been friends for years . 

Now it's been 5 years we have been together . I didn't realize how fast the time flies .
Now it's for us to take SPM . 

(ok ckp bm lagi , trip saja spiking hahha)
Sejak masuk form5 ni , sy tgok ramai sudah yg berubah , bukan berubah apa , cuma smakin rajin , makin matang . Mau spm kan, mestilah rajin :D goodluck guys ! chayo2 hehe

Sepanjang tahun satu kelas dgn dorang semua ni , byk betul kenangan2 yg memang gila , byk kenangan pahit manis dgn diorang ni . dari kelas krk sampai la kelas sains . memang byk.
igt lagi kelas kena anti oleh guru2 sama kelas2 lain. fuh punya byk dugaan , ada saja yg kena kasi salah , kena cakap bodoh sombong la . Tapi guru yg mengajar kami memang memahami , drg saja faham sebab drg kenal mcm mana gaya kami yg sebenar . 
Time kem krk PMR la , first time rasanya kami tidur d asrama sama2 , punya gila , stay malam smpi pukul 3 pagi , makan2 ketawa2, critaa2, dikir barat lah (mimi la tu *makan2* dia bilang xD )
ada lagi aku,angah,emil,renel makan maggi di bilik bwh , skali kami naik angah p ckp lagi *kami teda makan maggi* pdahal muka kepedasan sudah, apalagi tropot la. 
Paling lucu time aku sma emil la , mau naik asrama skali telimpas ba tangga , tekejut punya main bida muka hahaha gelap ba tangga tu , menakutkan lagi , apa lagi terus belarian ba xD dua2 penakut hihi

Masuk form4 bercampur sudah sama kwn2 dari kelas lain , tpi sikit ja , tapi drg angah,zuhairi , aldiano, sama hairee tpksa pindah p kelas sebelah , tapi kami tetap rapat ba . 
mula2 form4 ni , belum lagi brapa rapat sma classmate baru , tpi x smpi setengah tahun begila sudah sama drg. Rapat sudah, drg terima sudah gaya kami yg tidak terkawal ni. Time form4 ni kejutan budaya semua , blajar subjek baru kan , semua meroyan , pemalas lagi tu , kalau homework memang tidak pernah siap , addmath la terutama, semua bekerjasama menyalin addmath ah . time ni belum lagi ada yg serius blajar utk spm . apa ndak pikir honeymoon la keno form4 ni.. Igt lagi kisah sama Sir Rozalee , dia meluah sama kami satu kelas . ramai2 menangis ba di kelas . trus dia pindah rasa sunyi betul kami , selalu dia la tempat kami mengadu , dia ja yg memahami kami, dia selalu bagi support sama kami . memang sampai sekarang masih igt sama dia.

Masuk form5 , awal tahun masih lagi belum insaf , masih lagi pemalas . tapi kalau BM memang wajib buat kerja la , nnti kena denda xD masuk bulan 6 , baru la nampk perubahan, semua macam ada kesedaran sudah mau spm . di kelas buat kerja sudah kalau tiada guru . memang nampak matang la sudah . hihi
time kelas addmath la siok , buat kerja sambil menyanyi ramai2 , nasib sir firdaus memahami. dia layan saja gaya kami . Selalu dia masuk kelas , dia suruh kami senyum dulu, sebab dia tgok rupa kami ketara betul stress punya muka. kalau masuk kelas dia mmg terubat la stress kami.(bergenang airmataku kekeke)

Form 5 la paling banyak kenangan pahit manis. Terutama masa KEM SPM di Rela,Gayang. situ jumpa balik kawan2 krk dulu . ada lagi malam tu sambut birthday sama budak dari smk matunggong . drg minat gila sama kpop , sampai drg menari kpop ba buat show depan kami, punya main lawa drg pnya tarian, memang berbakat lah . smua sporting sana , kejap ja rapat sama drg.
memang siok ba time tu , kami kasi gabung katil  terus tidur ramai2 . trus tiada sudah malu2 time tu . betul2 mcm di rumah saja kena buat . mcm family dah semua. drg ajar aku lagi, siok betul aku rasa macam adik sana kena jaga. hahahaha aku,angan sma mimi la paling lmbt tidur,lambat bangun .. bergayut lagi tgh malam, terus pagi paling susah kena kasih bgun la , MIMI la palingggggggggg susah mau bangun. rmai2 sdh kasi bgun dia xD mcm2 kena buat spaya dia bangun tapi paling susah itu anak xD hahha
time ceramah lah paling awesome, masuk ja dewan trus berat sudah mata , memang tidur , x dpt than lagi tu .
Mimi paling gila tidur xD cepat betul dia tidur, smpi kena ambil2 gambar lagi .
ada lagi kmi makan di bawah lampu jalan ramai2 , trus camwhoring xD
Malam paling last tu la, mula2 siok saja kami kemas2 dewan utk majlis esok , sampai jam 1 lebih . lepas siap lepak2 lagi, gambar2 .sekali mlm tu juga la berlaku peristiwa yg tidak di ingini, memang life change terus oh.
terus semua bkumpul d bilik, menangis ramai2 , memang drg meluah betul mlm tu , aku yg tidak pndi memujuk diam ja, skali x lama crita2 ketawa2 sdah, mimi la tu punya pasal , adakah dia pgi kasi ketawa org tidur xD sampai jatuh katil ba tasha sma mimi ketawa xD adidih 

sekarang tinggal 16 hari lagi spm . sempat lagi keno aku tulis blog . insyallah sempat utk ulangkaji terakhir sebelum spm . I really hope that all of us will achieve the best in our SPM . Insyallah amin :')

Lepas ni, tidak sudah digelar budak sekolah . Tiada sudah bangun awal pagi pgi sekolah. Tiada sudah kena tegur slalu dtg jam 7 lebiih pgi sekolah. Tiada sudah belajar di kelas , kelamkabut buat homework sama2 . Tiada sudah lepak2 , makan2 di kantin sekolah sama2.  Tiada sudah bawa bekal trus share2 , bwa makan satu kelas sama2 . tiada sudah trip2 belajar kalau cigu limpas , tiada sudah ketawa sampai sakit perut , jatuh kerusi , umban2 barang xD tiada sudah tidur di kelas , bergossip, digossip, kena sindir, kena marah, kena maki,kena denda, pulang lambat la, balik skola jalan sama2 pgi tuaran . semua la ba. terlalu byk smpi x dpt kena taip penat sudah xD

Apa-apa pun , Paling di rindu classmate yg gila-gila :') memang unreplaceable la .
lepas ni smua dengan haluan masing2 . jarang sudah berjumpa, contact , makin busy dengan life masing . kalau tjumpa jgn kamu sombong2 ah, pura2 tidak nampk kah, kalau nampak terus teriak hahha aku umban kamu kalau sombong :'3 jgn lupa sama Izzah Hazirah Shafieh yg comel ni :3 sudah la jgn tulis panjang betul sudah, xberhenti menangis nanti

As we go on
we remember 
All the times we
Had together
And our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever :'3


Omg Spm is around the corner :'( (30days to go) and I still didnt prepare yet .
All of my friends have improvement in their exams and I just sitting here watching their good result .
 mine getting worst . i just dont know 
I worked hard and sometimes even stay up late to study .
sometimes i feel like the dumbest person alive while with them
i just dont know what to do .
i've workhard to get good result but still ...

i cant remember thing i learn. i tried to make revison , but i cant do it alone . i need someone to guide me .
theres no one to ask here.
i just dont know how.
ADDMATH . seriously i just cant . its so upsetting if i cant do it . erghh

sometimes i feel like , i rather die than sit for SPM . i think it better if i die before spm 
its not that i dont want to live anymore , but im afraid to disappointed my parents and family :'(
they put high hopes from me . this burden just to heavy for me


Pray for Lahad Datu

At least 14 people have died in clashes to end the siege of a village in Malaysia's Sabah province by a Philippines clan, police say.

Sabah Police Chief Hamza Taib said two police officers and 12 Filipino rebels had been killed at Lahad Datu.
Lahad Datu was occupied in early February by members of a Muslim royal clan from the Philippines calling itself the Royal Army of Sulu.

They are demanding recognition as the rightful owners of Sabah province.

The group - some of them armed - had been urged to end their siege by both the Malaysian and Philippine governments.

Hamza Taib said the killings happened during a 30-minute shoot-out on Friday morning, when members of the clan opened fire as the security forces were tightening a security cordon around the village.
He told the Associated Press that the stand-off was continuing. "We don't want to engage them but they fired at us. We have no option but to return fire," he said.
But confusion remains over what exactly has happened in the remote part of Sabah.
The leader of the gang, Agbimuddin Kiram, told a Philippines radio station that police had surrounded them and opened fire.
"They are here, they entered our area so we have to defend ourselves. There's shooting already," he told Manila-based DZBB radio.
"We're surrounded. We will defend ourselves," he said. The group has put its death toll at 10.

'Full power'

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirmed that two police officers had died and three were wounded, and said between 10 and 12 clan members had been killed.

He said he had given the security forces "full power" to do what was necessary to "defeat" the group, according to Malaysia state news agency Bernama.
"I am very sad over the incident because what we had wanted to prevent, which is bloodshed, had actually happened," the prime minister said.
Mr Kiram, the younger brother of the self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III, led the gang of at least 100 from their home on the Philippine islands of Sulu in early February to the shores of Sabah.

The Sulu Sultanate once spread over several southern Philippine islands as well as parts of Borneo, and claimed Sabah as its own before it was designated a British protectorate in the 1800s.
Sabah became part of Malaysia in 1963, and the country still pays a token rent to the Sulu Sultanate each year.
The Royal Army of Sulu wants Malaysia to recognise it as the rightful owner of Sabah, and to renegotiate the terms of the old lease - something Malaysia has made clear it has no intention of doing.

Exam !

Omg -,- punyalah stress exam baru2 ni . sepanjang exam ada ja dugaan huaaaaa 
makan malar time exam ni . apa tidak , tekanan jo xD
ini baru exam belum lagi spm ba wtf
tapi ada la juga kenangan2 time exam ni ;D

Time di uitm hari tuh ada lagi jumpa kawan2 baru ~ sempat lagi cuci mata . hehehe
tapi ada tuh kakak bikin stress seja -,- org mau enjoy2 eihhh 
nasib ada si abg hariff datang time tuh , sma dia ja aku mgadu , haha lepas tuh dia ajar aku lagi arh uisehh
then rmai2 lepak2 kat likas makan. ^_^

ada lagi time Tasha dtg p rmh hari tuh . aku,mira tasha tinguk la spongebob kan , brabis ba ketawa2 tguk , pdhal adik aku diam2 ja tguk ar xD kami ja keno ktawa btul hahha :'D

then , muka aku sunburned lagi , skali masuk kelas semua ba jadi nigga , drg pun sunburn hahaha siok betul ada juga kawan aku xD apa lagi d kelas panggil keling2 ja kmi ahhaha

 baa itu sejaa . peace out ;)