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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: IzaHazira

lets hear it ;)!

Gratisan Musik

PLKN Kump 1 Siri 11 Kem Wawasan , Kg Ovai Papar Sabah

 Datang dengan paksaan, Pulang dengan tangisan

*cation!broken english may cause death LOL

i miss my friends in PLKN. it was great meeting them and i have beautiful memories w them .
 i learned alot while in this camp.

at first i was sad being chosen for this camp. i can't accept the fact i was chosen cos im not an active person and i was the only girl from my school in this siries. *i was so afriad being alone n no friends lol

first few weeks in camp is like hell . i have to wake early , go to class (not interested) and kawad.
i want to leave this place and go home. there be like 6 rollcall a day , every day !
*Dewan duduk sedia !

but luckly kem wawasan is not strict as other camp, we get to wear our own clothes after 5pm
here u can see them bgaya gaya puiii hahahaha

i tried to accept the fact that im in this camp and just follow with the flow enjoy the moment. and that makes me become a playfull and talkative in camp (but not the popular ones)
i didn't afraid to talk with someone i dont know and i make friends with anyone i met
my close friend say i xtahu malu hahahahaha

in this camp i met alot of new friends with different races and religions . 
im lucky cos i learn about their culture language. 

Company Delta are the best yaw ! hahhaha especially dorm7 , they're awesome ! i love them 
friendly , playfull and too much childish in their self xD
such a beautifull memories and i will remember them always xD

Olive's birthday party ->

<- bebeh2 delta
<- me n aten 

baby wana me ;) ->

<- aini and our ketua "siput" hahaha

<- hangout w plkn friends at cp

with satria at kbox cp xD ->

<- Jai n Doyok p selfie d my hp LOL

<- time tunggu dobi xD

<- kump satria . PK4 <3

rest di luar sbb dlm dorm panas xD ->

 <- aten, akmal n me. i look so ayu LOL xD

Last day at kem . we all cried of happiness cos just finish our National Service :)

Wirawati Delta